Southern Line Islands DXpedition


19/05/2010 23:48

T32 movie

Nice preview of the T32 movie (beta) this evening with Bob (IK2WXZ), Joe (I2YDX), Mauro (I1JQJ), Maury (IZ1CRR), Mike (K9AJ), Susan (K9XYL) and Valeria (IK1ADH). While eating pizza we really enjoyed the movie filmed by Derek (G3KHZ) and the pics of coconut crabs !
05/05/2010 10:23


More accurate version of our route map showing the Vostok-Flint sector on the mainpage
04/05/2010 10:47

30,000 visitors

 Today the website reached 30,000 visitors. Thanks !
02/05/2010 08:23

Acceptance for IOTA credit

Hi Maury, I have this evening received confirmation that the dxpedition to OC-279, 280, 281 and 282 has been accepted for IOTA credit. I sent all the documentation to Roger, G3KMA earlier today. 73, Derek
28/04/2010 08:33

Stats added

 Logs stats added (online logs folder)
27/04/2010 18:40


Logs are now online !
27/04/2010 13:44

Photos added

 Some photos added to the Islands folders 
27/04/2010 09:43

Online logs

 Logs will be soon online.
21/04/2010 20:44

En route home

Hi Maury, We are in Honolulu and start the last leg of our journey back home this evening. I hope the volcano eruption in Iceland will not delay our flight. This was my first chance to look at our website. You did a great job for us - many thanks. It was nice to read all the entries in the...
19/04/2010 22:02

Arrived in Xmas

They have arrived in X-mas and had a nice dinner yesterday which they deserved. If I am not mistaken they will leave X-mas to-morrow for Honululu.

by iz1crr @

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