Southern Line Islands DXpedition

QSL info



The QSL cards (4 different) will be full colour cards with pictures from the various islands. The DX-pedition is not over until the end of April. Cards will then be designed and printed, meaning THERE WILL BE NO QSL CARDS READY TO SEND OUT BEFORE THE MIDDLE OF JULY!!

Direct cards with SAE and sufficient return postage will be answered direct, otherwise via bureau.

Please see table below for return postage.


Bureau cards will be taken care of later and answered via bureau.





Within Europe

Outside Europe

1-4 cards

12 SEK ($2 or 1 IRC)

12 SEK ($2 or 1 IRC)

5 cards or more

24 SEK ($4 or 2 IRC)

28 SEK ($4 or 3 IRC)


 Feel free to enclose a small donation to cover some of the dxpedition’s expenses. That would be very much appreciated since the cost for this dxpedition is very high. The total sum will be over $ 70 000. The charter for the boat is $ 1600/day (36 days in total) plus cost for generators, radioequipment etc.

  Nils G. Persson, P.O.Box 66, SE-29621 AHUS, SWEDEN  


73 de SM6CAS, QSL manager and team leader (but at home for known reason)