Southern Line Islands DXpedition

Nils withdrawal

09/03/2010 18:46

It is with great regret that we have to announce that Nils, SM6CAS has had to withdraw from the dxpedition.  This is due to his wife’s health.  Aila has been ill since 12th January with a severe lung problem which has still not been diagnosed.

Nils is very keen for this dxpedition to go ahead even though he cannot join us.  He has been planning this for several years and he is the major financier of the project.  We owe Nils a deep debt of gratitude for supporting this trip under the circumstances.

Nils will be the QSL manager for all 4 islands.  Please be generous with your green stamps etc to help him recover some of this major financial outlay.

Mike-K9AJ, Steve-G4EDG, Steve-9M6DXX & Derek-G3KHZ

by iz1crr @

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