Southern Line Islands DXpedition


 Steve Telenius-Lowe: I was first licensed as G8FEO in 1970 while still at school and later upgraded to G4JVG. In the 1980s I was active as G4JVG/SM0 with frequent side-trips as OH0/G4JVG. During this period I took part in two expeditions to Market Reef, OJ0, the latter with Steve, G4EDG, followed in 1988 by my first single-operator DXpedition as VK9YG from Cocos (Keeling).

I lived and worked in Papua New Guinea 1991-1994 and made around 45,000 QSOs as P29DX (P20A in contests). During this period I activated Yule Island, OC-153, on two occasions. In 1992 I travelled around the Pacific with a 100W rig and the following year was a member of the VK9MM Mellish Reef DXpedition.

After returning to the UK, I worked at the RSGB and was editor of the RSGB’s RadCom magazine. I was a member of the organising team on the 1998 9M0C Spratly DXpedition and a founder member of the Five Star DXers Association which put on the D68C operation in 2001. In 2004 I operated with G4EDG again, this time from Malawi, as 7Q7MM.

After taking early retirement at the age of 50 in July 2005, I moved to Sabah, East Malaysia, where I am now active as 9M6DXX. I organised and operated on the July 2006 9M4SEB Sebatik Island OC-295 operation, an all-time ‘new one’ for IOTA. I have also operated several times as 9M6DXX/P from Labuan Island, OC-133.

In total I have operated from 34 IOTA island groups and 38 DXCC entities.

I was joint editor with G3NUG of the book ‘DXpeditioning Behind the Scenes’ and in my spare time still do some free-lance book work for the RSGB. I edited the 2007 edition of the ‘RSGB IOTA Directory’ and, together with G3KMA, the current edition published last year. I am the author of the ‘World Licensing and Operating Directory’ (, a guide to getting on the air from over 200 countries and territories around the world, which is published by the RSGB.

I will be operating SSB only on this T32 DXpedition and am looking forward to giving out four ‘new ones’.