Southern Line Islands DXpedition
Steve Taylor. My first Dxpediton was to Market Reef in 1987(with Steve G4JVG), the bug bit, but it was not until 1999 that I had the opportunity of joining Nils, SM6CAS (organizer of this trip) for a Dxpedition to T31 and ZK3……..quite an adventure! This has been followed by activity as a team member as VK9ML (Mellish Reef) and ZL7C in 2002, 7Q7MM in 2004, C56C in 2005, GW3KHZ/P (EU-106) in 2006 and an epic trip to P29 with Derek, G3KHZ to activate two new IOTAs in 2007. I have also been involved in various semi-rare European IOTA trips.
From home I am QRV exclusively on CW, and after achieving CW DXCC Honor Roll #1 in 1993, I have become a QRP enthusiast and enjoy Dxing and contesting at this power level…….there is nothing I enjoy more (radio wise!!) than digging out weak signals in a pileup, so be confident you have a good chance of a QSO whatever your station setup.
HOT TIP………..send your call ONCE and listen……….repeat as necessary!
73 Steve G4EDG